I know everything I know

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Ultra Right of Center Leftist Capitalistic Fascism view of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigrants come to our country for the money they can make here. They make most of that money working at jobs which Americans...for the most part...don't want to do.

So how do we stop illegal immigration? How do we send those already here home? Simple...we take away their jobs. We take away their ability to make money. We take away their reason for being here.

To do that we only need to enforce laws which already exist. It is illegal to employ an illegal immigrant. Begin to enforce these laws, fine and imprison those who break these laws; at the same time provide an alternative workforce for these unwanted jobs.


  1. Put a system in place to identify legal workers.
  2. Create a legal temporary worker program.
  3. Require those able bodied and receiving government assistance, or welfare, to fill these positions where possible.
You've now forced employers to stop hiring illegal immigrants. You've taken away the illegal immigrants reason for being here, or for coming here in the first place. They go home on their on...they have little choice. No need for mass round-ups. No need for huge expenditure to locate illegals. For the most part, they will just leave. You've replaced them with those willing to follow the rules, and those Americans not capable of finding other work.

How do you identify legal workers?
  1. Create a National ID card to replace the easily counterfeited Social Security Card for Citizens, along with an equivalent card for legal temporary workers.
  2. Establish a network, similar to the credit card network, where an employer upon hiring or interviewing a new employee, swipes the card to authenticate the legal worker status.
  3. Include holographic photo, finger print (or other biometrics) and encrypted smart chip technology in the ID cards.
Problem Solved.

Other benefits:

  1. ID card could also be required for delivery of any social programs such as welfare, free health care, etc. If, for example, an illegal did present themselves at a hospital emergency room. The staff would of course be required by law to treat them, but they would also be required to alert the proper government authorities who would then collect and deport the illegal.
  2. By requiring able bodied citizens to fill positions otherwise left vacant in return for extended government welfare, you reduce overall welfare costs, while providing low cost workers where needed, and a path to earn cash equity for those on welfare.
  3. Overall cost savings from reduced social benefit cost from illegal aliens, as well as a reduction in crime etc, related to illegal's activities provide additional cost savings.
  4. Increased income tax revenues when you have effectively eliminated the underground economy now funded by the illegals.
  5. Decreased flow of illegals across the border, help reduce threat of terrorist infiltration across border.